It's not too late to get some great deal on Prime Day that increase your accessibility using technology. Often called "Age-tech," these three devices marry function with accessibility.
People want to stay at home and participate in life for as long as possible. For some individuals this means having the latest and greatest technology just because they want it. For others, technology allows them to live their life to the fullest, when it was previous an unavailable option for them.
Amazon Prime day makes that a BIT more attainable with some great deals.
Below you will see THREE of my favorite go to recommendations as a Home Accessibility and Home Safety consultant.
1) Amazon Smart

With Smart Plugs, Smart Thermostats, and the Dot you can customize your house to the sound of your voice. Wouldn't it be nice to have the lights on before you come home? Or to turn a light on without even clapping? Say you need to remember to purchase something, or wish you could re-order an item you use all the time?
With Amazon Smart Home Devices you can do just that. and with the deal they have running, it would be silly to miss out on the accessibility.
For some people it's a need, because they dont have the dexterity to perform some tasks, or others its the convenience of technology, either way the future is now and we are only limited by our imaginations.

These light switches can connect to Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and come in a three pack. These smart light switches have so many possibilities and may be the last light switches you ever purchase.
Want to keep your house safe while you are away?
Set the mood for dinners or date night?
Track electricity usage to increase efficiency?
You can turn electronics on and off from anywhere with your smartphone using the case app. The Kasa App guides you to install so you many not even need an electrician. and its been tried and tested with over 4 million users!
3) The Ring Doorbell
This doorbell increases your safety by allowing you to see who is at the door, so you can screen for annoying solicitors, but also ensure you know the person knocking, you can even monitor for package deliveries or record package thief's!

Having a camera also takes away the urgency to answer the door right away. For someone who needs a little extra time to get to the door, the option to speak through the bell lets your visitor know you are on the way, without having to hall or, rush or listen to multiple "ding's" on your journey to the door.
With up to 50% off this is NOT a deal you want to pass up.
Overall, these three tech options allow you the opportunity to see what happening around you, control the environment with ease, and even track your usage to make better informed decisions.
Caregivers can help from a distance should you need it on certain tasks, you can showcase the coolest technology, or you can protect your home. it's a win/win
For me personally, a smart thermostat has helped me on vacations ensure that my pets have the proper temperature controls, and a smart doorbell helps ease my worry if the pet sitter actually shows up and I've been known to use my smart apps to avoid the stairs for the 50th time while looking for my phone.